About Me

Hey there! I'm a game developer with over 3 years of experience, specializing in mid-core, hybrid-casual and hyper-casual games. But I'm not limited to just that - I've also worked on AR, VR, and metaverse projects, and I absolutely love tackling new challenges.

With a focus on mobile games, I've gained invaluable experience in developing real-time networked multiplayer games, implementing gameplay mechanics and creating AI-controlled NPCs. I have also worked on many small scale projects. Regardless of the project's scale I am working on, I've always prioritized creating modular codebases, because let's face it, who has time for spaghetti code?

Right now, I'm on the lookout for my next exciting adventure in game development. If you've got a quest for me, feel free to reach out at cebiozgur@outlook.com or through the links below.

Mid-Core Games

Realtime multiplayer games developed in Unity using Photon Engine. I was involved in development of critical game system such as setting up real-time networking system, implementing gameplay mechanics, creating AI system for NPCs, matchmaking system, SDK integrations, in-app purchases, play store publishing and client-side implementation of game APIs.

Kitties Metaverse

I worked on a realtime multiplayer WebGL-Mobile metaverse game that supports up to 128 players. Some of my responsibilites were to develop gameplay mechanics using Photon Quantum, handle blockchain wallet connection, setup addressable system using Unity Cloud Content Delivery, in game implementation of Web APIs, create real-time chat system and so on.

Hypercasual Games

Some of the hypercasual games I either managed or developed.


Evaluation of Behavior Tree and Finite State Machine based Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Shooter Games

Created a shooter game environment to compare win rates between different AI systems. Two advanced AI systems were created using Finite State Machine and Behavior Tree algorithms. Teams controlled by these algorithms competed in a fair shooter game environment with various number of agents and in different maps. Turned this project into a paper and presented it in the IEEE TUAC conference.

Multiplayer HR Battle (WIP)

A playable WebGL CV will appear here. I'll develop it using Photon Quantum so that visitors can both learn more about myself and fight each other in a real-time battle. I can hear you asking 'why' - because why not =)